Root Chakra Affirmations
Here are a few simple but powerful Affirmations and Positive Statements for healing, activating and energizing the Root Chakra (Muladhara).
The affirmations can be spoken aloud or silently in your mind. Repeat the affirmative statements several times while feeling the associated positive emotion at the same time. The affirmations can be repeated each day on a regular basis, or anytime you are working with the root chakra for any reason.
You can also write down the affirmations on paper and keep them with you so you have them whenever you need them. It can also help to place the affirmations around your home in various places where you will see them on a regular basis (taped to a mirror, on the refridgerator, near the computer, etc,.)
Also See: Root Chakra Affirmations Meditation Video
Root (Muladhara) Chakra Affirmative Statements and Affirmations
"I AM"
"I Have"
"I Live"
Note: All of these Root Chakra keywords and phrases can be mixed and matched; or the phrases can be strung together to create positive affirmative statements as needed.
I Am Safe
I Am Abundant
I Am Wealthy
I Am Prosperious
I Am Strong
I Am Stable
I Am Secure
I Am Courageous
I am Powerful
I Am grounded
I An Successful
I Am protected
I Am secure
I Am in Control
I Am Safe and Supported
(I am safe and supported by the earth)
(I am supported by the Universe)
I Am safe (and supported) in my Body.
I Am exactly where I need to Be
I Am Connected to the Earth
I Am Grounded and Connected to the Earth
I Am at peace with my surroundings
I Am confident
I Am at Peace where I Am
I Am vitalized and energized
I Am connected to my body (for grounded)
I Am Deeply Rooted to the Earth
I Am Safe in My Body
I Am Financial Secure
I Am protected and nurtured
(by the earth, universe, God, etc)
I Am safe, secure and protected
I Am Connected to Nature
I Am grounded like a tree and standing on my own two feet
I Am grounded and centered and connected to the earth
The Earth Supports, nourishes and Nurtures me.
I Am Nourished, Nurtured and Supported by the Earth
I Stand Authentically In My Power
I Am welcome here. I belong. I am never alone.
I Love Who I Am
My Body is Safe and Supported
My Body is Strong and Healthy
My body supports me
My body is strong
My Body is Healthy
My Body is Beautiful
My body is a Temple
I Have Abundance
I Have Confidence
I Have Wealth
I Have Prosperity
I Have Wealth and Prosperity
I have financial success
I Have a Strong Foundation
I Have a Beautiful Body
I Have a Strong and Healthy Body
I Have Strength and Courage
I have a right to be here
I Trust
I Trust Myself
I Belong
I AM Well
I Am
I Live Courageously
I Live Life to the Fullest
I Live A Good Life
I Am Living
I Am Alive
I Am Living Life to the Fullest
"I Have Security and Protection"
"I Have Prosperity and Abundance"
"I Have Confidence and Motivation"
"I Have Self-Control
"I Have A Right To Be Here"
"I Have Energy and Vitality"
"I Have Strength and Courage"
"I Have Safety and Stability"
Chakra Affirmations: